Friday, February 23, 2007

MBU Week 3: Thrus

Distance: 3 miles odd
Temperature: 10C
Weather: Light shower in the late evening, so the road is kinda wet. But otherwise nice day to run.

Yesterday, I would in London for a networking event til late, so I thought I would just bring my running gear to London.

I ran along St. John's Wood Road, leading to Regent Park. The route continued on the Outer circle of the Regent Park till Barker St tube station and back to St. John's Wood Road. Passed London Business School and it is beautiful. The lightning at night just make it so majestic! It is the exact pic on the main page of their website.

It was a light run, but I had fun exploring, sure is a good way to get myself familiar with this place, since I would be coming quite often. I still remember few weeks ago, when I was here for an interview. I should do this for other part of London.

Just emailed another friend to see if she is interested in running next wed/Thurs.

Time: 32mins

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