Friday, February 15, 2008

After a long pause ...

Indelible pictures of the baby orang utans in the sylvan settings that Borneo can truly offer has never failed to pull me back to my goal of raising ££. Running on my 2nd year of PhD, the experimental work is demanding a whole lot more time and efforts from me than I thought.

Of course, this volunteering program has still very much in my agenda, but ineffectual attempts to rally fund-raising partners has not been helpful. But I am still trying. I have contacted the next restaurateur: Shiok at Tottemham Court Road, very near my work place. Singapore/Malaysia cuisine spread in their menu looks good and tastes good too!! It is a great setting for buffet and socializing and even a corner jazz jamming (if Grace is still interested!) But Kenny, the manager is slow (or more like never) in getting back to me, after every discussion. So far, we have managed to negotiate the proceed percentage and the menu for the night. Now it is his turn to propose this to the owners. I have to run in a few times just to get a follow-up " I will contact my investors about this idea!" But I will just keep on trying.

Well, not everything is on the gloomy side. Training for the London Marathon is great fun. After Cardiff Half, I continued my training a month later, with a regular weekend run. It got more frequent when I was back home and Singapore during the year-end holiday. I practically run short half hour everyday. Well I was on holiday and there is nothing better to do but to drink and eat, so might as well incorporate some training. Good way to get rid of the overnight calories from the booze.

Since coming back to London at mid Jan and after recovered from my severe flu, I have been training heavily as it leads up the marathon. I basically got my training program from SmartCoach. Essentially, I train on Tues & Thurs (short, tempo or easy or speedwork run) and Sundays are my long runs. This Sun, I would be running 13.1 miles, with Lau. We would be doing the last half of the London Marathon. It is my first time running the route, so I spent this afternoon just planning it out. It is looking great.

Otherwise I ran with Sarah and co on previous sundays. Sarah, Lindsay and co are from All Souls too. Sarah is super enthusiastic about this first London Flora of hers. She would even remember each mile mark on the route that she planned out. Total efficiency! It is really helpful as in long runs it is easy to fall into the mode of aimlessness. Mile marks gives you a sense of accomplishment and an aim going forward. Hope I can do the same for this Sun with Lau.

Unfortunately, I have this injury: ITB syndrome. Iliotibial Band, which surfaced two weeks again. Since then I have seen a physio-therapist that practises chinese medicine (so I did acupunture, though I am not very comfortable with needles), bought a new pairs of trainers and went for a injury clinic to get professional help on preventive measures and strengthening exercises. I have joined the gym, Bannatynes near my work place for cross-training work to reduce impact on my ITB. I can exercise on the cross-trainer machine and best of all, swim!

ITB occurs because of the weak glut (butts) muscle, that causes the ITB to compensate for it. It ends up rubbing against the quads and shin bones.

So what is coming up next? Well my Paris Half Marathon!

I have booked my flight to Paris for this coming 29 Feb to 3 Mar. Might meet up with a friend (Fabian)'s super marathon friend, Sandra. Sandra is aiming for sub three and half for next year marathon! She did her Paris last year at sub 3:45. WoW! Impression ya. But she sounded really nice over the email.

Unfortunately, as usual, Mehri my housemate backed out on me last minute. I was upset as I wouldn't have anyone there to support me at the end of the race. But hey a girl got to do what she got to do!

My hotel: Hotel Sully Saint Germain, Latin Quarter hotel with medieval Parisian theme, is at the great St Germain Well at least the hotel is nice and welcoming, something for me to celebrate with!

Well, do keep on coming back for more postings. I would be more diligent in updating this blog, now that the marathon is nearing.

I have 8 weeks more to go. Wishing me well!

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